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Children's Services: Books/Video

Welcome to our Library guide to early childhood resources


The Library collects resources related to your subject area. Here are a few examples of texts available in the Libraries that you may find useful.  For required textbooks for your course, please refer to your Unit Outlines or Lecturer.

Search our ebook collections for relevant titles.  We have highlighted some you may find useful:


We have streamed video collections from EduTV (off air broadcasts), Kanopy and Safetycare.  Search these collections as a whole or we have highlighted a few video titles from these collections for you.  The Raising Children Network also produces streamed videos you can access.

Tip : videos play best in Chrome

You can find our DVDs by searching Supersearch and most DVDs may be borrowed for seven days.  Here are some relevant titles in our libraries:

Featured Streamed Videos

Edu TV

As Australia's older population increases, so too will the issues that affect their health and happiness. Could the solution to a better life for older Australians be as simple as spending time with 4-year olds?

Old People's Home For 4 Year Olds : ABC iview