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Conservation and Environment: Books/AV

Welcome to our Library guide to conservation and environment resources


The Library collects resources related to your subject area. Here are a few examples of texts available in the Library that you may find useful. For required textbooks for your course, please refer to your Unit Outlines or Lecturer



The Library collects resources related to your subject area. Here are a few examples of ebooks available in the Library that you may find useful. For required textbooks for your course, please refer to your Unit Outlines or Lecturer.

DVDs and Streamed Video

We have a range of streamed video databases.  Search the streamed video databases to find relevant videos on your topic.  Some interesting video titles are highlighted in the Featured Streamed Video box.

Tip: Videos play best in Chrome

Featured Streamed Videos

You can find DVDs by searching Supersearch and most DVDs may be borrowed for seven days.  Here are some relevant titles in our libraries.