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South Metropolitan TAFE Library Service: Printing, Photocopying & Scanning

Welcome to the South Metropolitan TAFE Library

Printing, Photocopying & Scanning

Printing, copying & scanning are done via a multi-function device (MFD). You may print or copy in colour or black and white, as well as scan.

To pay for your printing and copying, you need to add value to your Student charge account using a six digit PIN. You can add value (coins, notes and eftpos) to your account at any of the kiosks in the Libraries on the main campuses (Bentley, Carlisle, Thornlie, Murdoch, and Fremantle) and in the Student Hub at Rockingham campus. This credit will allow you to print and copy.

Print/Copy/Scan  B&W  Colour
A4  $0.20  $0.50
A4 double-sided  $0.30  $0.70
A3  $0.30  $0.70
A3 double-sided  $0.50  $1.00
Scanning  Free  Free


Please remember that all copying must be done in compliance with Copyright requirements.

Need some help with printing and copying (including your PIN)? Ask at your campus library.