Check out the Referencing and Plagiarism Guide. It includes examples of how to reference in-text and in your reference list.
In this unit:
► Describe two reasons why you need to reference.
► Define Plagiarism.
► Select correctly constructed citations from a list.
Plagiarism is copying another author's words or ideas with acknowledging them.
Plagiarising the work of others is academically dishonest, and is considered cheating. Plagiarism may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.
Please be sure that you understand and comply with the assessment requirements set out by your lecturer. If you are in any doubt, ask your lecturer for assistance.
Referencing is a system of rules and principles that is used to acknowledge the contributions of other authors that have directly influenced your work. At South Metropolitan TAFE, the referencing system we use is called the APA Style.
Referencing is important, because it allows us to use the work of others to add weight and significance to our arguments, proposals and conclusions without "stealing" their words and ideas.
Referencing offers many benefits, including:
What is Referencing and Why is it important?
Plagiarism: How to Avoid It (Video)
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