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Fitness and Massage Therapy: Books/Standards/Video

Welcome to our Library guide to fitness and massage therapy resources

Featured Books and eBooks

The Modern Art and Science of Mobility
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology
Massage Therapy: Principles and practice
Mosby's Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage
Mosby's Pathology for Massage Professionals
Mosby's Essential Sciences for Therapeutic Massage
Textbook of Remedial Massage
Anatomy Trains


Fitness Trainer Essentials: for the personal trainer
Exercise Physiology: theory and application to fitness and performance
Strength Training Anatomy
Periodization: theory and methodology of training
Periodization of Strength Training for Sports
Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance
Clinical Sports Nutrition
Advanced Sports Nutrition

Subject Searches

A search of Supersearch (library catalogue) will find resources in varied formats by using search terms and Filters. We have created a few subject searches for you here below. If you find a title of interest, the link will either take you directly to the online resource, or show you which of our libraries hold the physical items.

Anatomy AND Physiology NOT Veterinary

Fitness AND Nutrition

Fitness AND Personal Training

Massage AND Pathology

Massage AND Therapeutic

Massage AND Fundamentals

eBook Collections

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Video on DVD

DVDs may be borrowed from our libraries, usually for 7 days. Use Supersearch to find titles and use Resource Type to limit by Videos.

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Featured Streamed Videos

Hand Washing Basics [Safety Short]

ACE's Practical Guide to Functional Anatomy

ACE's Practical Guide to Functional Anatomy

Swedish Massage Technique: Therapeutic applications

Swedish Massage Technique: Therapeutic applications

Causes of Fatigue [Safety Short]

Causes of Fatigue [Safety Short]