You can use Supersearch to find magazine titles both in print format in our libraries and online formats. Enter your search term, then use a filter, Resource Type, Journals.
The databases have Title or Publication lists of what is included in each collection, so if you are searching for a specific journal or magazine title, go to the database links on the Databases page.
Tourism [Resource Type - Journals]
Travel* [Resource Type - Journals]
Event* AND Management OR Tourism (Title search) [Resource Type - Journals]
Note: The * symbol lets you find a word with alternate endings. For example, event* will find the keywords: event, and events, and so on.
For more search tips, see our Resource Help: Supersearch online guide.
Want to remain current on a subject or with new issues of a journal? You can create what is called an email "Alert" in the various databases. Below are tutorials and information on how to set these up for EBSCO, ProQuest, and Informit.