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Digital Media, Software and Applications: Journals

Welcome to our Library guide to digital media, software & applications resources.

Featured Magazines and Journals in Print

PC PowerPlay
Silicon Chip

Find Magazines and Journals

You can use Supersearch to find magazine titles both in print format in our libraries and online formats. Enter your search term, then use a filter, Resource Type, Journals.

We recommend that to find what journal and magazine titles are included in the databases, use the database links on the following page and search Title lists there.

Online Magazines and Journlas

You are also able to read magazines online.  Thousands of online journal, magazine and other serial publications are available in our databases and can be found by searching our library catalogue Supersearch.

There are other free to read online magazines and websites such as Issuu.

We have selected a few online titles in the box above and if you are interested in reading an issue online, just click on the cover picture.

We also encourage you to become a member of your local Public Library where you can borrow books, magazines, dvds and also read online magazines through sites such as Flipster.

Featured Online Journals

Maximum PC
Wired magazine
Digital Camera World
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
Software Quality Professional
Software and Systems Modeling
IEEE Multimedia
IET Computers & Digital Techniques

Set up an Email Alert

Want to remain current on a subject or with new issues of a journal? You can create what is called an email "Alert" in the various databases.  Below are tutorials and information on how to set these up for EBSCO, ProQuest, and Informit.