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Electrical and Elecrotechnology: Australian Standards

Australian Standards Select Link


Central Regional TAFE has a subscription to a select list of Australian Standards provided through the Techstreet platform.

The service is provided to current Central Regional TAFE students and staff for course-related research and study only.

Licence Conditions 
  1. These are conditions the College must abide by.  Non-compliance may result in cancellation of our licence.
  2. All printed and downloaded standards will be marked with an access date and College name. Do not remove this notice from the document. 
  3. Downloaded documents are saved to the local machine only and cannot be shared.
  4. 200MB download limit per session, otherwise you will be locked out for 2 hours.
You must not:
  • Attempt to modify, copy, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works from any product.
  • Share any product with non-College related personnel.
  • Build up a reference collection.
  • Copy, cut and paste text from any document.

Accessing Australian Standards Select

  • Click on the link above to access our Standards collection.
  • For best results, use Google chrome as the preferred browser.
    • Ensure your browser settings are set up to open PDF's in Acrobat Reader, not the browser window.
  • When on campus, you are able to access Standards without having to login or create an account. You will be identified as an Anonymous user.
  • A maximum of one user across four locations is able to search at any one time.
    • If you do not see the Download or View Online button, you will need to try again later.


  • Standards Australia has introduced Digital Rights Management for all its Standards. 
    • The FileOpen plugin has been installed on all staff and student network PC’s to facilitate this.
  • If you are off campus, you will need to install the FileOpen plugin on your own PC. 
    • To install this free plugin, go to and follow the instructions.
    • When you access from a non-College IP address you will be required to login with your college network login.

Please contact Library staff if you are having any issues accessing.

Searching for Standards

  • Enter a keyword or standard number.  Enter the number only if you are not sure if it is either an AS, NZS, AS/NZS or international standard.
  • You can search for any standard but full text is only available for the standards that the College subscribes to, the remainder are locked.
    • Should you need to access a locked standard, please contact your lecturer in the first instance. Lecturers should contact the Library.
  • If you select View Online, it will open in a new window, however you will not be able to print or download it.
  • Select Download to print a Standard or save a copy for off-line use during the subscription period.