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Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) User Guide: Introduction

About this guide

Technology is a massive part of being a student and lecturer and it connects with many aspects of being an active learner. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses machine learning algorithms to produce or remix content. This content output can be text, imagery, audio, code or other formats.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can be used in many ways in your study or training - to synthesise, create, refine, test, inspire, or modify.

This guide provides information about using generative AI tools in an ethical, creative and evaluative way. The four main areas covered are:

Types of generative AI

Ethical and Evaluative Use

How to Use and Explore

Copyright and Referencing

Images from the Artificial intelligence icons set by macrovector on Freepik under a Free for Use licence.

What you need to know about generative AI tools

Generative AI tools are evolving incredibly quickly and their impact on education is significant and ongoing. It has the potential to support any area of study, everything from creative arts to game and application development.

There are numerous types of generative AI that can create music, art, video, text, code, equations or even a blend of these. The flexibility of these tools provides new ways to create content, explore ideas, or to synthesise information.

However, there are important ethical factors to consider when using generative AI. We encourage you to explore some of those factors in this guide.

Responsible and ethical use of generative AI is dependent on your evaluation skills. Generative AI uses complex algorithms to produce highly realistic content. It is a rapidly evolving technology that impacts the way we create content and solve problems. This content can be difficult to distinguish from that created by a human.

This means when you are using these tools, critical thinking skills are essential to evaluate the reliability, authenticity, accuracy and context of what has been generated.

We thank Deakin University Library for allowing their guide content licensed under a CC BY NC 4.0 to be adapted for use in this guide.