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Business Models for Sustainability
Achieving sustainability requires socio-technical transitions that entail new technologies, production processes, lifestyles, and consumption patterns.
Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Whether a student taking an energy course or a newcomer to the field, this book will help readers to understand critical relationships between the environment, energy and sustainability. Leading experts provide comprehensive coverage of each topic, bringing together diverse subject matter by integrating theory with engaging insights. Each chapter includes helpful features to aid understanding, including a historical overview to provide context and questions for discussion. Every subject is beautifully illustrated and brought to life with full color images and color-coded sections for easy browsing, making this a complete educational package. This book will help enable today's scientists and educate future generations.
Online Journals
Australian Geographic
Captures the essence and spirit of Australia through its meticulously crafted and beautifully presented stories and photography; connects readers to Australian landscapes, plants and animals, science, industry and people.
ECOS - CSIRO Environmental Research
A bimonthly scholarly journal that publishes research and issues of sustainability in the environment, industry and community. Focused on Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
ReNew : Technology for a Sustainable Future
enew magazine is the nation's premier magazine devoted to practical, cost-effective technologies for environmentally sustainable homes and lifestyles.
Australian Design Rules
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule - Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005
Australian Government - Road Vehicle Standards Laws
Guides and resources - To support the safety, environmental and anti-theft performance of all road vehicles being provided to the Australian market for the first time, the Road Vehicle Standards (RVS) legislation has replaced the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA).
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) is committed to the development and implementation of environmental management policies and practices that will contribute to sustainability outcomes, now and in the future. A key role for the department is to enhance awareness, and provide advice and support sustainable practices in the community, industry and government sectors.
Green Vehicle Guide
The Green Vehicle Guide helps you reduce your impact on the environment by providing information on the environmental performance of light vehicles sold in Australia.
Light Vehicle Emissions
We report on the carbon dioxide emissions intensity of new cars and light commercial vehicle sales each year to provide a transparent benchmark for how Australia’s new car emission footprint is tracking.
RAC - Eco Driving Tips
How to make your drive more environmentally friendly. Here are nine easy ways for you to reduce your impact on the environment and enjoy a 'greener' drive.
RACQ - Greener Motoring
Learn about new vehicle technologies and how to drive your vehicle efficiently.
Regulating Australian Fuel Quality
The Australian Government regulates the quality of petrol and diesel sold in Australia. Poor fuel quality can damage the environment, vehicles, and our health.
Our fuel quality standards seek to:
reduce fuel pollutants and emissions
facilitate the adoption of better engine and emission control technologies
improve engine operation
Sustainable Transport
The role of transport in sustainable development was first recognized at the 1992 United Nation’s Earth Summit and reinforced in its outcome document – Agenda 21. In undertaking the five-year review of the implementation of Agenda 21 during its nineteenth Special Session in 1997, the UN General Assembly further noted that, over the next twenty years, transportation would be expected to be the major driving force behind a growing world demand for energy (Indeed, it is now the largest end-use of energy in developed countries and the fastest growing one in most developing countries).
The Australian Automotive Code of Practice - Refrigerants
The Australian Automotive Code of Practice for the Control of Refrigerant Gases during Manufacture, Installation, Servicing or Decommissioning of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners - Australian Government
You may be required to comply with this code if you intend to apply for a refrigerant air-conditioning (RAC) industry permit.
Vehicle Emissions
The National Transport Commission estimates that if Australian consumers purchased vehicles with best in class emissions, national average CO2 emissions for new light vehicles would be over 50 per cent lower.
Vehicle Emission Standards
Australia has had road vehicle emission standards for new vehicles in place since the early 1970s and these have been progressively tightened over the past 40 years. The current standards reflect Australia's commitment to harmonise with the vehicle standards developed by the United Nations wherever possible.
Vehicles & the Environment
Here you will find useful information about alternative fuel options as well as recommended standards to minimise air and noise pollution.
Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce - VACC
The Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) is an automotive industry employer association that protects and promotes the interests of its members through advocacy initiatives and the provision of automotive industry products and services. Includes fact sheets to assist automotive businesses to understand their role in protecting the environment, includes techniques to make a workplace compliant. Also includes six short educational videos sharing simple steps other businesses have taken to become workplace compliant.
Transport - Reducing Energy
Energy information and services for transport.