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eBooks & Books in the Library
Community Capacity Building (2014)
This book uniquely brings community capacity building to life through the personal involvement of academic staff in the community as active partners helping to create new knowledge. Community Capacity Building is a valuable resource that presents the latest research into the social and educational issues involved, and it offers new insights into effective strategies and outcomes for both specific and global communities.
Community Development and Partnerships : A Handbook for Building Community Partnerships (2006)
The handbook provides the following invaluable information and practice wisdom: Community development - understanding the terms 'community development' and 'community capacity building'; an exploration of the conditions within communities that support community development; the community development process; the attitudes, knowledge and skills needed for effective community development; common problems and solutions.
Interpersonal Social Work Skills for Community Practice (2013)
Focuses relationship-building, interviewing, recruitment, community assessment, facilitating group decision-making and task planning, creating successful interventions, working with organizations, and program evaluation, along with examples of specific applications.
Analysis & Policy Observatory
APO is an open access evidence platform – making public policy research and resources accessible and useable. As a unique public good with a trusted reputation, we champion open access and evidence-informed decision-making.
Applying community capacity-building approaches to child welfare practice and policy
It is recognised that the welfare of children and families cannot be separated from the health of their community. However, much child welfare practice focuses on individual children and families, with limited resources devoted to influencing community-level factors. Community capacity-building is an approach that attempts to increase a given community's capacity to solve collective problems. It aims for "grassroots", "bottom-up", and sustainable solutions to problems.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Publishes a wide range of statistics relating to many aspects of Australian life. Two key products are 'Australian Social Trends' and the Community Profiles produced as a result of the Census. Also try searching Themes and Popular Statistics
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
National agency for health and welfare statistics and information. Look at 'Subjects' and 'Publications'.
Australia's Welfare 2023
Australia’s welfare 2023: data insights presents an overview of the welfare data landscape and explores selected welfare topics—including intergenerational disadvantage, income support, future of work, disability services, elder abuse and child wellbeing—in 8 original articles.
Australian Council of Social Services
The Australian Council of Social Service is a national advocate supporting people affected by poverty, disadvantage and inequality, and the peak council for community services nationally.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission is the new name of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. The Commission was established in 1986 by an act of the federal Parliament. They are an independent statutory organisation and report to the federal Parliament through the Attorney-General.
Brotherhood of St Laurence Research and Policy Centre
Australia’s largest social policy research centre in a non-government welfare organisation. In partnership with the University of Melbourne, its multidisciplinary team includes international research and policy experts.
Co-operatives in Australia - an overview
Australian Bureau of Statistics article. Co-operatives are people-centred organisations that are owned, controlled and used by their members. Each member has an equal say in what the co-operative does – so in addition to receiving the products and services they need, members help shape the decisions that their co-operative makes. The main purpose of a co-operative is to benefit its members.
Community Profiles - Census 2016
Community Profiles are excellent tools for researching, planning and analysing geographic areas for a number of social, economic and demographic variables.
Social work practice in community development
Community social workers help to build an inclusive environment that makes residents feel integrated and empowered. They know that people can work together to improve circumstances, using their experience and knowledge solve problems and make change.
TEAR Australia
TEAR Australia is a movement of Christians in Australia responding to the needs of poor communities around the world. They work in partnership with other Christian groups, including churches, relief and development agencies and community-based organisations, which are working with the poor in their communitie