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Husqvarna Chainsaws for Forest, Park and Garden.
Plant Safely - Tool Safety
Many Australians use some form of gardening tool on a regular basis, but they can cause serious harm to you and others if used incorrectly, poorly maintained or used without adequate safety precautions. However by following some safety guidelines and by paying careful attention, most accidents and injuries can be prevented.
Safety in the Garden
Gardening is a relaxing and enjoyable form of exercise, but it can pose health risks. There are many safety issues in the garden, and here we share some tips for just a few of them.
Online Videos
Can you handle it (Manual handling in the Nursery and Garden Industry)
Safety issues in Production Nurseries. It is imperative to help growers ensure safer working practices and exercise efficiency by utilizing available nursery/horticultural equipment such as nursery benching, shade houses, pot handlers, trailers, bagging machines or other nursery and horticultural equipment where possible to eliminate risk.
Chainsaw Maintenance and Safety (Safetyhub)
The chainsaw is of great assistance when fast cutting of timber is required. But, if the chainsaw is not properly maintained or is used incorrectly its potential for causing injury cannot be underestimated.
Health & Safety Awareness for Horticultural Business
This British video is aimed at providing new staff with an awareness of the many aspects of health and safety that should be considered before embarking on work at a horticultural holding.
The Safe Operation of Chainsaws (Safetyhub)
This program looks at a range of operations and cutting procedures that are crucial for the safe and successful operation of the chainsaw in all situations. (1993: 14 mins).
Small Gas Engine Series
This five-part series online, covers the operation, maintenance, disassembly, and assembly of small gas engines. A Meridian Production. 5-part series, 20-35 minutes each.
Books in the Library
Chainsaw Operation
Chainsaw Operation is a practical guide to safe work technique for chainsaw operators. The introductory chapter provides an overview of chainsaw development through the years. As such, there are a number of old illustrations. Further, this chapter offers advice on the selection of present day chainsaws. To this end, it is supported by a table of specifications for a number of professional type chainsaws. The book makes a point to discuss the safe use of chainsaws generally, and also covers the topics of trimming, cross cutting, ripping, tree falling, chainsaw maintenance, and environmental care. These are supplemented by four appendices relating to the specialized subjects of pole saws, chainsaw mills, the chainsaw drill attachment, and emergency service chainsaws. The text is liberally illustrated with numerous line drawings, photographs, and even cartoons. Chainsaw Operation is a 'must' for those involved in the safe operation and proper maintenance of chainsaws. As such, it is a worthy addition for those in such fields as amenity horticulture, forestry, conservation land management, agriculture, and the emergency services. *** Librarians: ebook available on ProQuest and EBSCO [Subject: How To / DIY Guide, Forestry]
Chainsaw Operator's Manual
Chainsaw Operator's Manualis an essential safety tool for chainsaw operators. It is the ultimate guide to basic chainsaw operating techniques covering safety, maintenance and cross-cutting, but not tree felling. Detailed diagrams illustrate horizontal, vertical and boring cuts, as well as trimming and cross-cutting techniques. Safety considerations are discussed, including workplace safety, occupational hazards, kick-back and identifying dangerous trees. An explanation of the tension and compression forces in timber is also provided to help the reader understand where to begin cutting to avoid jamming the saw. The book covers chainsaw maintenance in detail, explains all aspects of the equipment and helps the reader select the right chainsaw and personal protection equipment. Trouble-shooting charts are included to help solve operating problems. This manual has been updated to take into account the most recent changes in nationally accredited competency standards. It is a must-have for anyone operating a chainsaw. Features Workplace and operator safety Chainsaw maintenance Basic cross-cutting techniques Competency Standards
Farm Machinery Maintenance
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on some repair and maintenance tasks on farm machinery to keep it in good working order.
Tools for gardeners
Every major gardening task requires a tool of some kind. Over 400 items are described, illustrated, explained and assessed.