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Dealing with Depression (2015)
This book examines the myths and explains the facts in relation to the major types of depression, and offers helpful general advice on diagnosis, treatment and management from trusted mental health organisations. Also includes: worksheets and activities, fast facts, glossary, web links, index.
Understanding Anxiety (2014)
This book clearly explains the major anxiety disorders and presents advice on how to manage and overcome anxiety when it becomes a problem. What are the signs, symptoms and treatments for anxiety?
Online Videos
Dealing With Difficult People At Work (2017)
As a Nurse, you will encounter some very challenging situations !! Not all of the problems we deal with at work are medical issues, many are actually personality issues!! This video will change your perspective on people who are rude or nasty to you. It will also provide you with the tools you need to handle issues with others without changing your positive energy.
Work Related Stress - Safetyhub
Series of short videos available on stress relating to the workplace