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Australia's 15 National Biodiversity Hotspots
Click on the map to read summaries of all 15 Australian National Biodiversity Hotspots.
Fundamentals of Mapping
ICSM has designed this site to provide a comprehensive general overview of maps, mapping, cartography and map production. It is not intended to be a definitive reference, but rather to supply a consolidated summary of mapping concepts, principles and practice.
Maps of Australia
Topographic maps, Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction, Basic outline maps, Geophysical maps, Geological maps and Geothermal maps.
Mapping Western Australia's biodiversity. Produce maps, lists and reports of WA's flora and fauna diversity.
Australia's Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Regulator
The APVMA is the Australian Government regulator of agricultural and veterinary chemical products.
Chemical and Biological Measurement Services
Find our range of chemical and biological reference materials, chemical and gas proficiency testing services, and advice about how to deposit biological materials for patents.
Chemicals Management
Australian Government : Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
Legislation: Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994
Administered by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Safe Work Australia: Hazardous Chemical Information System (HCIS)
HCIS is provided for guidance only and is not a comprehensive database of all hazardous chemicals. Safe Work Australia monitors the quality of the information available on HCIS and updates the information regularly. However, Safe Work Australia does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained within HCIS. The classifications in HCIS may include hazard properties which are not recognised under the model Work Health and Safety Regulations, including environmental hazard properties, and may not include hazard properties if they have not been assessed by the authoritative source.
Safe Work Australia: Hazardous Chemicals
Enter a chemical's information to determine its hazards. Information may not be available for all chemicals.