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Positive Energy Homes
This book explores the science and practicalities of effective ventilation strategies, smart options for heating and cooling, daylight harvesting, and efficient lighting and appliances.
The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling
A manual for anyone involved in residential design and construction. With its unique visual approach and over 1,600 full-color drawings it provides you with a clear, detailed look at every aspect of home construction and built-in systems.
How Your House Works
This comprehensive book is your reference to virtually everything in your house with richly illustrated explanations of electrical systems, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, major household appliances, foundation, framing, doors, and windows.
Films on Demand - Glass
Glass- 45 minutes
Glass may be our most versatile material. It sheathes skyscrapers, contains liquids, aids vision, allows communication at unimaginable speeds, and yet remains a medium for artistic expression. Distributed by A&E Television Networks.
Artisans of Australia Series
Glass Craft - 20 minutes
This film gives a detailed description of the process of restoring damaged glass panels in the East Window at the Garrison Holy Trinity Church, Millers Point, Sydney.
Glazing Calculators - from Australian Building Codes Board