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Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
A written procedure developed to review work steps and their associated hazards in order to put in place correct solutions to eliminate or minimise the risk of those hazards.
Interactive Pages
Office Safety Tool
Developed by Comcare, "Identify health and safety risks in your work or home office."
Interactive Safety Hazard Diagrams
These interactive diagrams that will show you some everyday safety hazards and how to avoid them in the workplace. [Must click on 'Enable All Features']
Injury Hotspots
This tool provides an industry-wide snapshot of how people get injured at work, pinpointing areas on the body that are most likely to be injured.
Safe Use of Equipment
Safe Use of Ladders (3.09 minutes)
From Safework Australia: While using a ladder can seem intuitive, there are some key points to remember before using it, to ensure your safety and in the event of a fall.
Safety Rules for Using Power Tools
From Safe Work Australia: Nick, a leading hand carpenter, knows first-hand the risks that can arise when using power tools and appliances.
Using Elevating Work Platforms Safely
From worksafe Queensland: Elevating work platforms, or EWPs, are important for work at height. However, there have been many serious incidents where EWP operators have been trapped or crushed between the basket and overhead obstructions such as ceilings, beams, frameworks or other fittings. This film explains how to control the risks of using EWPs.