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Education Support: Getting Started

Welcome to our Library guide to education support.


©South Metropolitan TAFE

Overview of our resources

The Library Service provides students and staff with a variety of resources to assist with study, research and assignments. Please refer to your unit/course outlines, available in Blackboard, for your lecturer-specified resources.

Books/Standards/Video : Items on this page are related to your course. You can also search Supersearch (our catalogue) for books, ebooks, video and more. Supersearch does NOT catalogue Australian Standards, so see this page for Standards related to your course. 

Journals : We subscribe to print journals and magazines but provide access to thousands of online journals and newspapers. Relevant journals and magazines will be highlighted here. Titles can also be found using Supersearch. For the most thorough search of articles and papers, we suggest using the database collections directly.

Databases : Our databases are collections of mostly full-text journal articles, newspaper articles, conference papers, dissertations, theses, images, video, even ebooks. The most relevant collections are linked on this page.  All our database collections can be found on the Find Information page of our Library website. 

Web links : Access current and reliable information from various Government and non-government websites that are related to your subject.

Reference Materials

Reference materials such as dictionaries, handbooks and encyclopedias, are a good starting point to gain an overview of your subject area. Here are a few examples of print Reference Materials available in the Library that you may find useful:

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