Evaluate internet sources carefully before including them in your research materials.
The main criteria for evaluating a web site are:
Who is the author?
It is important to check the author's credentials to determine whether they have the knowledge and authority to supply credible information. Check to see if any contact details are provided.
What is the author's interest in the material?
Can you detect any bias in the content and are you able to determine the purpose of the site? Check the address to identify the type of organisation producing the document. Be aware that commercial interests and some politically motivated sites may not present a balanced view.
Check the domain name
Have a look at the domain name in the URL.
.gov means the site is written by a government
.ac or .edu means that the site is written by an academic or educational institution
.com means that the site is a commercial one
.org means that the site is by a not for profit entity
Sites with .gov or .ac or .edu domain names are most likely to provide more reliable information than other sites.
How current is the information?
See when the document was created and when it was last updated.
What sort of content is there?
Can the content be considered comprehensive and of good quality? Does it provide links to other documents? Check on the audience the information is aimed at (e.g. primary school students or university students).
"If you can, you should, and if you are brave enough to start, you will." ~ Stephen King