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Tourism and Events: Destinations

Types of Tourism and Travel

Source: Stainton, H. (2021, July 27). The different types of travel [video]. YouTube.

Source; Stainton, H. (2021, October 14). Inbound, outbound & international tourism [video]. YouTube.

Source; Stainton, H. (2021, July 6). 150 Types Of Tourism! [video]. YouTube.

Source: Stainton, H. (2021, November 10). The rise of cultural tourism / everything you need to know about cultural tourism [video]. YouTube.

Source: Stainton, H. (2021, November 26). What is ecotourism and why should we be ecotourists? [video]. YouTube.


Source: Stainton, H. (2021, May 18). Types of accommodation [video]. YouTube.