We have both printed copies of books in our libraries, as well as eBooks (readable online). You can also access free books to download from various trusted websites.
Note: if at any time you are asked to sign or log in to access a resource, use your student ID and current password.
AMEP Picture Dictionary audio tracks.
Harris, C. [Producer]. (2019). AMEP Picture Dictionary [Audio file]. South Metropolitan TAFE.
A search of Supersearch (library catalogue) will find resources in varied formats by using search terms and Filters. We have created a few subject searches for you here below.
Watching video material can be educational and make learning English easier. Our Libraries have DVDs to borrow on many topics and we make streamed video collections available to you. There are also free video materials to access online.
These are our streamed collections you may search for subjects or feature films.
Note: if at any time you are asked to sign or log in to access a resource, use your student ID and current password.
Tip: Videos play best in Chrome
ABC Education has a series of videos titled Everyday English which are available to stream.
Here are just a few:
Get Wise - Your Health & Wellbeing
Get Wise - Your Money
Get Wise - Work & Study
Get Wise - Your Time Out
Get Wise - Your Communication
Get Wise - You & Me
The following titles are just a few available from our streamed video collections. You can view them both on and off campus using your student or staff ID and network password. We advise using a browser such as Chrome.
You have access to other video titles (both streamed and on DVD) on subjects that may be helpful or useful to learning English. The titles below marked [DVD] will lead you to Supersearch (the library catalogue) and show you which campus library you may borrow it from.