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Nursing: On the Shelf

Browse the Shelves

Browse the shelves at these call numbers to find resources related to your subject.

150 Psychology
155.413 Developmental psychology
174.2 Ethics for Nurses
344.94 Law for Nurses
362 Public health
540  Chemistry
579 Microbiology
610 Nursing and health professionals
611-612 Anatomy and physiology
613 Nutrition and personal health
614 Immunisation
615 Pharmacology and calculations
616 Pathophysiology
616.89 Mental disorders and psychiatry
618 Obstetrics and gerontology                                            


Browse the Shelves- Indigenous Resources

Browse the shelves at these call numbers to find resources related to your subject.

305.89915 Aboriginal Australians
346.994 Native title and land rights
362.1089915 Health workers
362.7089 Stolen generations
362.849915 Aboriginal health and care
499.15 Aboriginal language
610.73092 Aboriginal nurses
994.0049915 History