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Weblinks - Acts & Regulations
Western Australian Legislation
Click on the link above to search for WA legislation.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
This Act provides for the promotion, co-ordination, administration and enforcement of occupational safety and health in Western Australia.
Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996
These regulations set the minimum requirements for specific hazards, work and administrative practices in relation to work safety and health.
Electricity Act 1945
An Act to make provision as to the examination and licensing of persons in respect of their competency to carry out works relating to electricity, and the examination, prohibition or approval of electrical appliances
YouTube Clips: Electrical Safety
Dial Before You Dig
Dial Before You Dig
Dial Before You Dig delivers a vital national community service designed to assist in preventing damage and disruption to Australia’s vast utility networks such as electricity, gas, water and telecommunications.