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eBook - Read Online
Multiculturalism & Australian Identity (2016) by Justin Healey
Contemporary Australian society is a patchwork of cultural and ethnic diversity. Australians are largely embracing of multiculturalism and welcoming of those born overseas, however being ‘Australian’ can describe a broad range of characteristics, behaviours and attitudes.
Racial Prejudice & Discrimination
Cultural diversity is central to Australia's national identity, however many Australians regularly experience racism. Racist attitudes are common in the form of unconscious bias, intolerance and prejudice; at its worst, racial discrimination manifests in violence and abuse.
Festivals & Events in Australia
Government Information / Statistics
You Tube Clip: What is Culture
Library Book for Loan
Intercultural Communications
This book will lead to a greater level of cultural competence, help eliminate misunderstandings caused by misguided assumptions, and enhance the effectiveness of intercultural communication.