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Communication Websites
Community Profiles for Health Care Providers (Qld)
The cultural profiles provide information for health care providers on the communication styles, health in Australia, health beliefs and practices, social determinants of health and utilisation of health services of 18 multicultural communities.
Conflict Resolution Network
This Conflict Resolution Network website makes good conflict resolution skills easy to understand. They work in almost any conflict situation – from child-rearing, to personal relationships, to the workplace, community action and even the international arena. We include such skills as a collaborative win/win approach, appropriate assertiveness, empathy, how to map a conflict and how to design better solutions.
Communication eBooks
Delivering Effective Social Customer Service (2013)
Social Customer Service is new. Social Media is the biggest thing happening to the customer service industry since the mid 1960s when modern day call centres were born. It is taking customers and organisations into untested ways of relating: transparently, collaboratively, instantly. The consequences of great and poor service are forever changed. Customer appetite has promoted this form of interaction to the very front of a race to understand. How do digital brands and empowered customers actually behave? Social Customer Service has become Marketing's R&D lab and a listening hub for the rest of the organisation. It is now where corporate reputations are most likely to be won and lost. 'Delivering Effective Social Customer Service' is a complete reference for achieving excellence in this new discipline. It caters to both novice and expert. It is perfect source material for service leaders and digital marketers to read together. Every CXO will recognise in the book a blueprint from which to build their next generation organisation. Even ambitious team leaders should snag a copy for instant subject matter expertise kudos! The centre of the book offers an in depth self-assessment of the competencies that matter. The book is jammed full of strategic insight, action lists, best practice tips and interviews. All the resources anyone needs to build a solid strategy and roadmap. Early adopter workshops based on the book have already taken place and will continue to be offered as another way of engaging with the book's key lessons. An online resource of the reference material is also provided. Options for an online community are under consideration. This book is the first of its kind. A distillation of what has so far been collectively discovered. Then filtered and expanded through the collective experience of two leading authorities on customer service: Carolyn Blunt and Martin Hill-Wilson.
Workpace conflict resolution essentials.
Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials in this book, you'll find practical, expert guidance on various approaches to negotiating and mediating a successful resolution for you and your team. You'll get coverage of negotiation techniques, mediation methods and solutions for managers and employees dealing with workplace conflict, and tons of tips on building and maintaining successful teams.
Great answers to tough questions at work.
The essential guide to turning tough questions into positive opportunities Difficult questions can be thrown at you from your first job interview through to challenges you get when you’ve made it to the top. If you find yourself on the firing line on a regular or occasional basis this is the perfect go-to guide to help you turn tough questions into positive opportunities.
Empathy at work. 2019
Empathy is also incredibly difficult to quantify. How do you show empathy? Which actions promote empathy, and which destroy it? This practical ebook details how companies can create systems and services around empathy to help managers and their employees have a better experience at work.
Communication Books
Communicate! (2017)
This book will engage you in active learning with theory, application and tools for practicing and assessing specific communication skills in interpersonal, intercultural, group, and public speaking settings. Skill-building exercises, including speech-plan action step activities, guide students through the speech preparation process.
Essentials of Human Communication (2017)
This book "provides a streamlined overview of the essential theories, research, and especially the skills of human communication, highlighting practical applications in the workplace and beyond. Author Joseph DeVito gives students the knowledge and tools they need to build greater competence in three key spheres: interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public speaking.
Intercultural Communication : Connecting with cultural diversity (2014)
The rise of globalization and the rapid growth of multiculturalism in our society result in the need for us to communicate more and more with people from different cultural backgrounds either overseas or in our own country. Their background affects the way they see the world, their attitudes, values, behaviors and thought patterns.