Learn about copyright at your own pace. This online learning module is easy to use and specially tailored to help VET practitioners interpret the copyright rules when developing learning resources.
Topics include:
Department IP information
The Department provides a series of Copyright and IP guides for the TAFE sector.
For Department of Training and Workforce Development copyright/IP support and workshops, contact:
Naomi Stallard
Program Officer – Intellectual Property and Copyright
Training Sector Services
Department of Training and Workforce Development
T: 08 6212 9789 | E: sectorcapability.ip@dtwd.wa.gov.au
W: dtwd.wa.gov.au
Image: OpenClipart-Vectors at Pixabay
An easy-to-use copyright tool adapted for Western Australian TAFE staff to help make sense of copyright.
Always check the terms and conditions of use first.
Produced by the National Copyright Unit, Smartcopying is the official guide to copyright issues for Australian schools and TAFE. Some useful links include:
Disability access exceptions
There are now two disability copying exceptions available to assist people with a disability. To find out more, see 'Disability Access Exceptions' from Smartcopying.edu.au.
Image: Camilo Garcia at Pixabay.
Safe Harbour Scheme
WA TAFE colleges are now part of the Safe Harbour Scheme under the Copyright Act 1968. The National Copyright Unit has provided more information in the link below.
Image: Gordon Johnson at Pixabay.