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Copyright for Staff: Which Licence?

This guide provides College staff with information how to on comply with copyright requirements when developing their teaching and learning materials, whether it is in print or online.

Text and Artistic Works Licence - Section 113P

This Licence allows for the multiple copying and communicating of hard copy and online versions of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works for educational purposes only.

Copy Limitations

  • There is flexibility in the amount that is allowed to be copied and communicated so long as it "does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests” of the copyright owner.
  • However, the former 10% rule for currently published material can be used as a rough guide.


  • Correct attributions must be provided for all material copied as this is required under the moral rights provision of the Copyright Act.
  • An appropriate notice must also accompany the material when copying and communicating electronically.

Broadcast Licence - Section 113P

This Licence covers the copying and communicating of television and radio broadcasts for educational purposes only.  This includes:

  • Free to air  Australian TV - any program
  • Free to air Australian radio - any program
  • Australian Pay TV
  • Online TV/Radio programs available on a broadcasters website that originated as free to air broadcasts.

Copy Limitations

  • There are no specific copying limits. 
  • However, only copy what you need. This reduces the amount of copyright payments to be made.


  • Correct attributions must be provided for all material copied as this is required under the moral rights provisions of the Copyright Act.
  • An appropriate notice must also accompany the material when copying and communicating electronically.