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The Construction Toolkit Videos
Communication - 17 mins
This video looks at the key aspects of effective communication in construction, including how to ensure verbal, written and visual communication is effective, and receiving communication as it is intended. (2016 - 17 mins)
Measurements and Calculations - 20 mins
This video starts with an overview of the types of measurements and calculations typically used in construction, then covers a range of practical examples involving length, area and volume.
Reading and Interpreting Documents - 20 mins
This video looks at the range of various plans and documents that are used in construction and why they are so vital to the work done by all workers on any construction project.
Working Effectively in the Construction Industry- 16 mins
This video provides an overview of the construction industry – the three main areas of construction: domestic, commercial and civic – the role of different levels of government and the industry’s contribution to the Australian economy.
Workplace Health and Safety - 16 mins
This video examines the importance of workplace health and safety in construction, identifying and assessing risk, and various ways in which hazards are controlled on a construction site.
Books for Loan @ the Library
Business Communication Handbook
Covers a range of skills required in today's workplaces with a focus on business communication, including written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills.
Films on Demand - Online Videos
4 Communication Skills Everyone Needs - 13 mins
This program outlines the four key communication skills needed: lean communication (getting straight to the point), connecting with others (social skills), adaptability (learning to read and relate to different types of people) and texting and using social media professionally.
Organization and Communication - 23 mins
Covers internal communication, barriers to communication, effective communication and more.
Guides for Building & Construction
DVD @ the Library
Worksite Communication Skills
This program comprises basic communication skills as they are applied within industrial or commercial trade settings such as construction sites, engineering or fabrication workshops and manufacturing enterprises.