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Upholsterer's Step-By-Step Handbook
Fully illustrated throughout with informative illustrations and inspiring photography, this book will enable you to confidently create a statement piece of furniture for your home. Learn how to follow a technique-based approach to upholstery, from assessing the work involved and estimating your materials to planning your order of working to get professional results.
Spruce: a Step-By-Step Guide to Upholstery and Design
With a few basic tools, an eye for color, and some ingenuity, you can customize your home with fabrics and textures that reflect your unique personality. This comprehensive guide features more than 900 photographs and includes five projects designed to teach you all you need to know to reupholster any piece of furniture.
Complete Step-by-Step Upholstery
Each project includes a list of tools and materials, a quick overview of the key skills, and tip boxes to make the work go more smoothly.
Upholstery: Basic & Traditional Techniques
Basic and traditional upholstery techniques are presented in step-by-step detail. Projects include various styles of chairs, from a classic dining room table chair to a contemporary armchair, antique sofa, and a bed headboard.
The Upholstery Bible
This is a complete resource for furniture upholsterers of all abilities, with easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions explaining all the essential upholstery techniques, from covering buttons to stripping and reupholstering an entire chair.
Woven: Over 100 Years of Industry Knowledge
Equipped with industry information, professional advice and soft furnishing fundamentals, Woven will guide you through the world of textiles, unraveling its complexities and defining its many terms and processes.
Drop-in and pin-stuffed seats by David James
David James shows how to take a Victorian reproduction Queen Anne chair seat in disrepair, strip its old covering and tack and reupholster it using traditional methods and materials. He then shows the restoration of an Edwardian chair with pin-stuffed seat.
Manufacturing and the Product Cycle
Moran Furniture explain the stages in their product cycle of their sofas. The product cycle is examined from the initial concept through product design, production and distribution, marketing and sales.
Australian Furniture Association (AFA)
AFA is the peak Australian industry association for the furniture and furnishing sector supply chain.
Textile Society of America
Provides an international forum for the exchange and dissemination of information about textiles worldwide, from artistic, cultural, economic, historic, political, social, and technical perspectives.
Designers Guild: Fabric
Designers Guild offers a huge array of printed, plain, almost plain, and textured fabrics for curtains and upholstery.
Fabric Glossary
An A-Z listing of fabric terms from the Online Fabric Store.
Fabric Studio
Browse designs from major fabric brands.
Fabric University Course Curriculum
The course curriculum has been developed to provide the knowledge to make informed decisions regarding the purchase and care of fabrics, apparel, home furnishings and other textile products.
Health and Safety in the Textiles Industries
Includes safety topics, health topics and machinery risks.
James Dunlop Textiles
Interior fabrics for upholstery, drapery and wallpaper.
Professional Upholstery - Fabric Selection
Provides links to Australian fabric suppliers.
Stain Guide for Upholstery
From Fabric Link, an educational resource for fabrics, apparel, home furnishings and care.
Technical Textiles
Online platform providing a diverse collection of resources for a various technical textiles including articles, white papers, trade fairs and conferences.
Textile Dictionary
From Fabric Link, an A-Z listing of textile terms.
Textile School is an information portal pertaining to textiles, backed by a team of professionals experienced in various sectors of textile industry. - Upholstery Tools
A commercial site listing useful upholstery tools.
Upholstery Fabric
From the Online Fabric Store.
Upholstery Solutions - Fabric Library
An online library of Australian and international fabric houses.
Warwick Fabrics
Wholesale supplier of textiles in Australia, specialising in upholstery, curtains and drapery, furnishings, Tritan fabrics, linens and commercial fabrics.
Relevant Standards
- AS 2281-1993 Flexible cellular polyurethane for seat cushioning and bedding
- AS/NZS 4088.1:1996 (R2013) Specification for burning behaviour of upholstered furniture - upholstery materials for domestic furnitue - smouldering ignitability
- AS 2687-1997 Textiles - Upholstery fabrics for domestic and commercial use (excluding face-coated fabrics)