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Furniture & Specialist Finishing Trades: Contact Us

Term Break Opening Hours


During Term Break - Monday 23rd September all Libraries will be closed. 

Joondalup and Perth Libraries will be open from 8am to 4pm from Tuesday the 24th to Friday the 27th.

All other Libraries will be closed

Term 4 will commence on Monday 30th September and all Libraries will return to normal hours. 

Campus Opening Hours
You are welcome to use any campus library



Balga Campus, 18 Loxwood Road, Balga 6061 
Mon - Wed 8:00am - 4:30pm; Thu - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm


Joondalup Kendrew Campus, 1st Floor, D Block, 35 Kendrew Crescent, Joondalup 6027
Mon - Wed 8:00am - 6:00pm; Thu - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm


Leederville Campus, Richmond St, Leederville 6007
Mon - Thu 8:00am - 5:00pm; Fri - 8:00am - 4:00pm


McLarty Campus, Library @ Joondalup Campus 
Library staff from Joondalup Kendrew will operate from P Block, near Client Services, at McLarty Campus from 10am - 1pm Tues - Thurs at the start of each term. This service will resume from Tues July 16 2024.
For ongoing library services at other times, please come to the Joondalup Kendrew Campus (see above), or contact us by phone, email or chat.


Midland Campus, Corner Lloyd Street and Eddie Barron Drive, Midland 6056
Mon - Thu 8:00am - 4:30pm; Fri -  8:00am - 4:00pm


Mt Lawley Campus, Corner Lord and Harold Streets,  Mt Lawley 6050
Mon - Thu 8:00am - 4:30pm; Fri - 8:00am - 4:00pm


Perth Campus, 30 Aberdeen Street, Perth 6000
Mon - Thu 8:00am - 6:00pm; Fri -  8:00am - 5:00pm



Ask the LIbrary
We will email you back ASAP



Library Conditions of Membership


The North Metropolitan TAFE Library Service operates six Campus Libraries, through which we provide a supportive study and learning environment for all currently enrolled students and staff. These Conditions of Membership describe the responsibilities of all users, to ensure that we work together to provide a pleasant, safe and productive environment for everyone to share.

When using the North Metropolitan TAFE Libraries, please ensure that you:

  • Never lend your Student/Library Card or Library resources that you have borrowed to anyone else, as you are responsible for any items borrowed against your name.
  • Respect and care for the Library items on loan to you. Loss or damage to Library items may incur replacement costs.
  • Respect the needs of other users:
    • Limit excessive noise, such as loud phone calls or conversations. Phone calls may be taken in the foyer or outside.
    • Please use headphones when listening to audio material, you will need to provide your own headphones as the Library does not have any for loan.
  • Refrain from marking, removing pages, removing security devices or barcodes, or otherwise intentionally damaging Library items. All North Metropolitan TAFE Libraries have security systems installed to prevent removal of Library items without loan. If the security alarm sounds, please return to the Circulation Desk and assist Library staff to identify the cause of the alarm.
  • Food and drink is not allowed in any of the North Metropolitan TAFE Libraries with the exception of water bottles or coffee with a lid.
  • All Library users are expected to display acceptable and respectful behaviour towards other students and staff at all times.
  • Always follow the directives of Library staff, and remember that this is a shared space.

These Conditions of Membership supplement the North Metropolitan TAFE Student Code of Conduct, Acceptable Use of IT services, and other North Metropolitan TAFE policies. Use of the North Metropolitan TAFE Libraries signifies your agreement with these conditions.

Any student found be acting in an unacceptable manner will be asked to leave the Library. If the unacceptable behaviour continues, the student will not be allowed further access to the Library.