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Discovering Library Resources and Usage
Traditionally, the library is a place where books are aquired, stored, and retrieved for use, and such information, if well applied, could modify users' behaviour.
Evaluating Demand-Driven Acquisitions
Evaluating Demand-Driven Acquisitions examines recent research in demand-driven acquisitions in an effort to develop an evaluation framework specific to demand-driven programs.
Fundamentals of Collection Development
Each chapter offers complete introductory coverage of one aspect of collection development and management, before including numerous suggestions for further reading and study.
Collection Management
The rapidly increasing reliance on digital rather than print-based resources has not diminished the importance of library collection management, but it has required significant modification in the thinking and the practice of collection managers, who today usually have to consider their clients' need for both print-based and digital materials.
What is a Collection? 5:50 Minutes
Collection Development Policies: 10:40 Minutes
Course Databases - Collection Development - Library Studies