Ez Proxy
Ez Proxy is an authentication system that enables college staff and students
Even on campus when logins are not required, it is Ez Proxy behind |
Responsibilities for administering new online content :
The Institutes are responsible for :
Note: A Typical EZProxy stanza must include Title and base URL, but can also have additional fields so users do not get blocked navigating within a site.
HostJavascript (HJ)
DomainJavascript (DJ)
The LRSN Office is responsible for :
The URLs listed below are the login pages for each institute (hosted by DTWD) and only indicates the landing page to login into EZproxy.
https://elogin05.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login - Central Regional TAFE
https://elogin00.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login - DoE
https://elogin02.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login - North Metropolitan TAFE
https://elogin09.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login -North Regional TAFE
https://elogin13.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login - South Metropolitan TAFE
https://elogin08.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login - South Regional TAFE
Got access issues?
Please do some basic troubleshooting before reporting the issue.
Reporting an issue
Before reporting an error, please check these details and provide them to the Shane.Egan@dtwd.wa.gov.au cc: ICT.Servicedesk@dtwd.wa.gov.au
EZProxy authentication works on several levels, so we need some details to troubleshoot the issue:
This helps us work out where the error may be, for example, if they see the EZproxy login screen but do not authenticate, the issue may be with the LDAP, not EZproxy.
Other points of weakness in the chain of access are the Vendor set up, the library links, or the EZproxy config file.
The vendor may require the IP address of the relevant EZ Proxy instance.
The EZ Proxy URL prefix is added to the front of the eResource URL to "refer" the link to EZ Proxy for authenticated access.
Dept of Education https://elogin00.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=
Central Regional TAFE https://elogin05.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=
North Regional TAFE https://elogin09.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=
South Regional TAFE https://elogin08.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=
North Metropolitan TAFE https://elogin02.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=
South Metropolitan TAFE https://elogin13.dtwd.wa.gov.au/login?url=