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APA Referencing Guide: Artworks & Images

Artworks and Images

1. Image with no attribution required

If the licence associated with image states "No attribution required"- Do not provide an APA Style reference, in-text citation, or copyright attribution.

2. Image that requires an attribution

If the licence associated with the image states "Attribution is required"- Provide a copyright attribution in the figure note and a reference list entry  for the image in the reference list. 


Clip Art / Stock Image

To cite clip art or a stock image without reproducing it, provide an in-text citation for the image instead of copyright attribution. Put the in-text citation in the note under the image/figure. 

Reference list entry

Author(s). (year of publication). Title- italicised [Clip art or Stock image]. Site name. URL

In-text citation

(Author, Year)


Author (Year)

Microsoft 365 stock images

Clip art sourced from programs such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint do not need citation, permission, or copyright attribution. But, acknowledging the source is a best practice to help your lecturers understand the clip art you used are not your own.

For example, in your Note under the clip art, you might include:

Note. Image supplied by Microsoft 365

Image from a book

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of book in italics. Publisher

Clarke, J. & McCully, M. (2017). Picasso encounters. Clark Art Institute. 

In-text citation

(Author Surname, Year, page)

Place near image (underneath if possible)


(Clarke & McCully, 2017, p. 80)


Image from a book with an edition

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of book in italics (edition). Publisher Name.

Cohen, B., & Hull, K. (2019). Memmler's the human body in health and disease (14th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

In-text citation

(Author Surname, or Corporate Author, Year, page number)

Place near image (underneath if possible)


(Cohen & Hull, 2019, p.138)  


Reference list entry

Artist Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the artwork in italics [Type of artwork]. Repository/Place of publication. Title of the website. URL (address of website)

Duveneck, F. (1872). Whistling boy [Oil painting]. Cincinnati Art Museum. JSTOR.

In-text citation
(Artist Surname, Year) 

Place near image (underneath if possible)


(Duveneck, 1872)


Image from a website

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of Image in italics [Image]. URL

Warby, W. (2010). Maple tree [Image].

In-text citation

(Author Surname, Year)

Place near image (underneath if possible)


(Warby, 2010)


Image from a website

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). or Corporate author. (Year). Title of Image in italics [Image]. URL
Mapswire. (n.d.). Physical Map of Australia [Image].


In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

Place near image (underneath if possible)


(Mapswire, n.d.)


Video: Referencing an image from a website

Note: This is where you have taken a photograph of an artwork you have seen. The Location is the town or city you were in and the Repository is where the artwork is placed eg. the Gallery or in this example the specific location. 

Reference list entry

Artist Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of work [Medium]. Repository, Location.

Angus, J. (2011). Grow your own [Sculpture]. Forrest Place, Perth, Australia.

In-text citation
(Artist Surname, Year) 

Place near image (underneath if possible)

(Angus, 2011)