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APA Referencing Guide: Government Sources

Government Sources

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s) or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of publication in italics: Subtitle in italics (Report No. ). Publisher Name. URL

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Childhood education and care: Australia June 2017 (Cat. No. 4402.0).

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023). Education and work, Australia.

In-text citation

(Corporate Author, Year)

First reference: (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2018)

Subsequent references: (ABS, 2018)

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s) or Organisation Name. (Year). Title of report in italics: Subtitle in italics (Report No.). Publisher name. URL

In-text citation

(Author Surname, Year)


Author Surname (Year)

Note: Use the government department responsible for the report as the author.



Reference list entry
Title of the Act in italics (Jurisdiction abbreviation) section number and subdivision if relevant. URL

Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA). 47282.html 

In-text citation

(Title of the Act Year)

(Work Health & Safety Act 2020)

Note: If quoting in a sentence, the Act name and date are italicised

Section 29 of Western Australia's Work Health & Safety Act 2020, states that...