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North Metropolitan TAFE Library: Generative AI

Title: Happy to Help

This work has been generated using Adobe Firefly AI. Any copyright subsisting from this work is owned by North Metropolitan TAFE, 2023.

Do you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

What Generative AI systems are publicly available?

Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Tools

Generative AI Tools for Music and Audio

Generative AI Tools for Arts

Useful links to acceptable and unacceptable use of Generative AI


How do I cite and reference the AI tools I have used with permission from my lecturer in my assessment?

First of all, you must check that you are permitted to use AI tools in your assessment. In the first instance, check your unit outline and assessment instructions for details. You must reference all AI generated content you use in your assessments. The Library has the guide for APA 7th referencing style used at North Metropolitan TAFE. The APA Referencing Guide has an example of how you can cite generative AI tools such as ChatGPT in your assessments. 



Title: Network connection

This work has been generated using Adobe Firefly AI. Any copyright subsisting from this work is owned by North Metropolitan TAFE, 2023.