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Research Skills: Step-By-Step: Finding Resources

This guide will help you to develop your research skills and better understand the research process.

Where Can I Find Resources?

  • Use SuperSearch to find library books, DVD's, ebooks, articles and more.
  • Search library databases individually to find articles, reports, images and more.
  • Search the web for information, images, videos and more
  • Check if an online library subject guide is available.

The types of resources you choose for your assignment will be governed by the type of information you require.

Why use Library Databases?

Source:  Yavapai College Library. (2011, September 30). What are databases and why you need them [Video]. YouTube.


  • contain journal articles, news, magazines and more.
  • provide quality current as well as historical information.
  • complement other sources of information including books and web searches.

Choosing a Library Database

Library databases provide access to magazine, journal, newspaper articles and more.

Depending on the database you are using, articles may be displayed in different formats:

  • Index: Includes only the article citation (i.e., author, title, date, etc.). Neither a summary, nor the full-text of the article are  available.

  • Abstract: Includes the citation and a summary of the article's content. It does not include the full-text article.

  • Full-text: Includes the citation and full-text article. This may be in HTML, pdf, or both formats.

Click here for more information on searching library databases

Image Source: geralt. (2014, January 4). Checkmark [image]. Pixabay.

Web Searching

A web search can be a great way to find information. To get the best results always remember to:

  • Develop good search strategies to reduce unwanted results
  • Search .edu or .gov sites for good information
  • Try using subject directories which contain selections of good websites reviewed and added by real people who are usually librarians skilled at finding the best material
  • Always evaluate any information you find in your web searches.

Click here for more information on searching the Web

Why Can't I Just Google It?

Source: RMIT University Library. (2021, July 20). Why can't I just Google it? [Video]. YouTube.

Can I Use Wikipedia?

Source: Newcastle University Library. (2020, May 18). Wikipedia [Video]. YouTube.