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APA Referencing Guide: Reference List Example

Format Reference List

Reference Checklist

  • The reference list is the last page of your paper.

  • References begin on a separate page from the last page of your writing.

  • Put the word "References" at the top of the page.

  • Your reference list is alphabetized according to the first word of each end-text reference.

  • The reference list is double spaced and formatted using a hanging indent.

  • To put in a hanging indent, type your references normally.

  • When finished, highlight the reference list and click on the arrow in the corner of the paragraph tab in Word.

  • Under Indentation, select Hanging from the drop down menu for Special 0.5 cm OK.

APA Reference List Example


Alzheimer’s Association WA. (n.d.). Early onset of Alzheimer’s disease [Brochure]. Author.

APA Style [@officialapastyle]. (2018, December 5). Welcome to the official Instagram for #APAStyle! We’re here to help you with your APA Style questions [Instagram].

Berman, A., Snyder, S.J., Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., Hales, M., Harvey, N. ... Stanley, D. (2012). Kozier and Erb's fundamentals of nursing (2nd Aust. ed.). Pearson.

Campbell, J. (2018). Web design: Introductory text for beginners (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Cohen, B., & Hull, K. (2015). Memmler's the human body in health and disease (13th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Council of the Ageing (2013). This is our space: Ageing with disability.

Cox, K. (2019, Autumn). Conservation time capsules. Wildlife Australia56(1), 24–26. 

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. (2019). Closing the gap: Prime Minister's report 2019.

Diabetes WA. (2019a). What's your risk? 

Diabetes WA. (2019b). What is blood glucose? 

Duveneck, F. (Painter). (1872). Whistling boy [Image of painting].

Holmes, B. (2013). Session 1: Sources of copyright information.  

Hughes, M., & Wilson, J. (2016).  Advocacy: An overarching approach. In E. Moore (Ed.), Case management: Inclusive community practice (pp. 143 -164). Oxford University Press.

Watson, T. (2014). Customer service in libraries: Best practices. Australian Library Journal, 63(2), 170-171.

Webb, M. (Director). (2017). Gifted [DVD]. Roadshow Entertainment.