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APA Referencing Guide: Online Resources & Websites


Online Resources & Websites

Note: Check with your lecturer to see if they require Blackboard to be added to the Reference List. If they don't require it, then treat it as Personal Communication (see "Other Sources" tab).

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of page: Unit code. Blackboard. URL

South Regional TAFE. (2019). Session 11- Research and clinical practice; media and implementation: CHCPRP0L003 [PowerPoint slides]. Blackboard

Note: Add [PowerPoint slides] in square brackets after title if appropriate.

In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)


Author Surname or Corporate Author (Year)

(South Regional TAFE, 2019)

South Regional TAFE (2019)

Note: When an online reference work is constantly updated and is not archived, use n.d. as the year of publication and include a full retrieval date.

Online Dictionary - group author

Reference list entry

Group author. (Year or n.d.). Title of entry. In Title of dictionary or encyclopaedia - italicised. Publisher (if the same as the author, omit). Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL

Merriam-Webster (n.d.) Diabetes. In online dictionary. Retrieved January 24, 2020, from

In-text citation
(Corporate Author, Year)


Corporate Author (Year)

(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)


Merriam-Webster (n.d.) defined...


Online Dictionary - no author 

Reference list entry

Entry title. (Year). In Editors - Initial(s). Last Name - use & for multiple editors (Ed. OR Eds.), Title of dictionary or encyclopaedia - italicised (Edition - if other than first ed.). DOI or URL - if available

Online encyclopedia article with an author

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. In Editor/s Initial. Editor/s Surname (Ed.), Title of Encyclopedia. URL

Hurthouse, R., & Pettigrove, G. (2016). Virtue ethics. In E. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

In-text citation

(Author Surname & Author Surname, Year)


Author Surname & Author Surname (Year)

(Hurthouse & Pettigrove, 2016)


Hurthouse & Pettigrove (2016)



  • The title moves to the author position when there is no author
  • If the author and publisher are the same, omit the publisher
  • Include a retrieval date when the source material may change over time
  • If there is no date on the webpage, replace the year with (n.d.)


Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s). or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of pageURL

Government of Western Australia. (n.d.). A Western Australia for everyone: State disability strategy 2020-2030.

In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)


Author Surname or Corporate Author (Year)

(Government of Western Australia, n.d.)

Government of Western Australia (n.d.)


Webpage on a website

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s) or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of webpage in italics. URL

Diabetes WA. (2019). What's your risk? 

In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

Author or Corporate Author (Year)

(Diabetes WA, 2019)

Diabetes WA (2019)

Referring to more than one work by the same author in the same yearIf there is more than one work by the same author, the end-text references are to be listed in date order. If the author has more than one work in the one year, use lower case letters of the alphabet.

Reference list entry

Diabetes WA. (2019a). What's your risk? 

Diabetes WA. (2019b). What is blood glucose?  

In-text citation

(Diabetes WA, 2019a)

(Diabetes WA, 2019b) 

Webpage with no date

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s) or Corporate Author. (n.d.). Title of webpage in italics. URL

Dementia Australia. (n.d.). Alzheimer's disease.'s-disease

In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)


Author Surname or Corporate Author (Year)

(Dementia Australia, n.d.)

Dementia Australia (n.d.)


Webpage on a news website

Reference list entry

Author Surname, Initial(s) or Corporate Author. (Year, Month day). Title of article in italics. Website name. URL 

In-text citation

(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)


Author Surname or Corporate Author (Year)