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APA Referencing Guide: Online Resources & Social Media

Online Resources & Social Media

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of page. http://xxxx
Diabetes WA. (2019). What's your risk? 


(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

(Diabetes WA, 2019)


Referring to more than one work by the same author in the same yearIf there is more than one work by the same author, the end-text references are to be listed in date order. If the author has more than one work in the one year, use lower case letters of the alphabet.

Reference List

Diabetes WA. (2019a). What's your risk? 

Diabetes WA. (2019b). What is blood glucose?  


(Diabetes WA, 2019a)

(Diabetes WA, 2019b) 

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate Author. (n.d.). Title of page. http://xxxx
The Kidney Foundation of Canada. (n.d.). 
Early detection and prevention.



(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

(The Kidney Foundation of Canada, n.d.)

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of page. http://xxxx
Council of the Ageing. (2013). This is our space: Ageing with disability.


(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)
(Council of the Ageing, 2013)

Reference List

Note: When an online reference work is constantly updated and is not archived, use n.d. as the year of publication and include a full retrieval date.

Corporate Author (Year) Entry Title. In Website title. http://xxxx

Merriam-Webster (n.d.) Diabetes.In online dictionary. Retrieved January 24, 2020, from

(Corporate Author, Year)
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. In Editor/s Initial. Editor/s Surname (Ed.), Title of Encyclopedia. http://xxxx
Hurthouse, R., & Pettigrove, G. (2016). Virtue ethics. In E. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


(Author Surname & Author Surname, Year)
(Hurthouse & Pettigrove, 2016)

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate author. (Year). Title of Image [Image]. http://xxxx
Mapswire. (2018). Physical Map of Australia [Image].


(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

Place near image (underneath if possible)

(Mapswire, 2018)


Note: Check with your lecturer to see if they require Blackboard to be added to the Reference List.  If they don't require it then treat it as Personal Communication (see "Other Sources" tab).

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate Author. (Year). Title of page: Unit code. Blackboard. http://xxxx

North Metropolitan TAFE. (2019). Session 11 – Research and clinical practice; media and implementation: CHCPRP0L003 [PowerPoint slides]. Blackboard.

Note: Add [PowerPoint slides] in square brackets after title if appropriate.


(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)
(North Metropolitan TAFE, 2019)

Note: Aliases (Screen names) may be used in place of the Author Surname

Blog Post

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Day of post). Title of post. http://xxxx
This American Life. (2018, December 28). The room of requirement.


(Author Surname, Year)
(This American Life, 2018)


Blog Comment

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Day of comment). Re: Original Blog Post. http://xxxx
Andrewp3. (2016, March 12). Re: A warming earth is making it harder to study Mars.


(Author Surname,Year of Post, para. no.)
..."wish we knew whether or not Mars is lifeless...." (Andrewp3, 2016, para 7.).

Note: Title is not italicised

Note: Aliases (Screen names) may be used in place of the Author Surname

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. (Producer). (Year, Month Day). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. http://xxxx
Rissian, L.C. (Producer). (2012, May 4). Twelve parsecs [Audio podcast].



(Author Surname, Year)
(Rissian, 2012)

Note: Aliases (Screen names) may be used in place of the Author Surname

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial [Author's screen name]. (Year, Month Day). Title of post [Tweet]. http://xxxx

Reuters Top News. (2016, November 1). Inside David Bowie's art collection [Tweet].


(Author Surname, Year) OR Author Surname

(Reuters Top News, 2016) OR Reuters Top News (2016)...

Note: Title is not italicised

Note: Aliases (Screen names) may be used in place of the Author Surname

Reference List

Author Surname, Initial. or Corporate Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of page [Video]. http://xxxx
Headspace Australia. (2018, October 1). Tips for good mental health [Video].



(Author Surname or Corporate Author, Year)

(Headspace Australia, 2018)

Private Facebook posts are treated as Personal Communication (see "Other Sources" tab)  but Public Facebook pages require references.

Note: Aliases (Screen names) may be used in place of the Author Surname

Reference List

Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of comment or first 40 words of post [Facebook]. http://xxxx

Neil Gaiman. (2019, January 30). Stories are an essential part of who we are. They can tell us more about ourselves and our world that anything else can. In my masterclass, I’ll show you how the best fiction helps you find your own truth: how [Facebook status update]. 

Note: Delete the rest of the web address after the number string.

Note: Titles are not italicised


(Author Name, Year)

(Neil Gaiman, 2019)

Reference List

Name [Instagram username]. (Year, Month Day). Title of post [Instagram]. http://xxxx

APA Style [@officialapastyle]. (2018, December 5). Welcome to the official Instagram for #APAStyle! We’re here to help you with your APA Style questions [Instagram].

Note: Titles are not italicised


(Name, Year of post) OR Name (Year of post)
(APA Style, 2018) OR APA Style (2018)...

APA Style 2018

Reference List

Creator. (Year). Title of software or Program (Version number) [Mobile application software]. http://xxxx
Skyscape. (2013). Skyscape medical resources (Version 1.17.42) [Mobile application software].



(Creator, Year)
(Skyscape, 2013)

Cochrane Library does not have a built-in citation generator. You may use the following template for citing articles found using this database. To find the issue and page ranges, you will need to view the PDF (click PDF and then Full PDF on the left).

Reference List

Author Last Name, Author Initials. (Date). Title of article. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. DOI

Sample APA Citations for the Cochrane Database

Chunhu Shi, Dumville, J., Cullum, N., Rhodes, S., McInnes, E., En Lin Goh, Norman, G., (2021). Beds, overlays and mattresses for preventing and treating pressure ulcers: an overview of Cochrane Reviews and network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Chunhu Shi, Dumville, J., Cullum, N., Rhodes, S., McInnes, E., En Lin Goh, Norman, G., (2021).  Foam surfaces for preventing pressure ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Gillespie, B.M., Walker R.M., Latimer, S.L., Thalib, L., Whitty, J.A., McInnes, E., Chaboyer, W.P. (2020).  Repositioning for pressure injury prevention in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Remember Best Practice is to reference from the main source documents - if there is a link from Cochrane out to PubMed and PubMed has the citation for this document then go with that citation. You can always mention that the Systematic Review or Randomised Control Trial is also published in the Cochrane Library.  For exampleThe link below will take you to the Cochrane page for the article see if you can find the link to PubMed and then find the APA citation tool.  If you need help with this contact the library.

Association of a Perioperative Multicomponent Fall Prevention Intervention With Falls and Quality of Life After Elective Inpatient Surgical Procedures. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

The PubMed APA reference for this article is:

Fritz, B. A., King, C. R., Mehta, D., Somerville, E., Kronzer, A., Ben Abdallah, A., Wildes, T., Avidan, M. S., Lenze, E. J., Stark, S., & ENGAGES Research Group (2022). Association of a Perioperative Multicomponent Fall Prevention Intervention With Falls and Quality of Life After Elective Inpatient Surgical Procedures. JAMA network open5(3), e221938.


Some assessments do not permit the use of ChatGPT or other generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.

Confirm with your course lecturer what is permitted for a specific assessment prior to commencing.

Note: It is likely that the Information about using and referencing ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in assignments and publications will continue to be updated. We recommend checking this page regularly to keep up with any changes

For many referencing styles there are no specific guidelines for citing ChatGPT or other generative AI. We recommend that you base the reference for generative AI content on the reference style for personal communication. 

In-text citation:

(Communicator, personal communication, Month Day, Year)

(Paraphrase from OpenAI's ChatGPT AI language model, personal communication, February 7, 2023).

Personal Communications are not included in the Reference List, as these sources do not provide recoverable data. See the "Other Sources" tab for more information on Personal Communications.