Reference list entry
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Journal Title in italics, Volume number in italics(Issue), Page/s.
Watson, T. (2014). Customer service in libraries: Best practices. Australian Library Journal, 63(2), 170-171.
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year)
Author Surname (Year)
(Watson, 2014)
Watson (2014)
Reference entry list
Author’s Surname, Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of journal article: Subtitle. Journal Title in Italics, volume number in italics(issue number), page range.… or URL
Brewster, D., & Morris, P. S. (2015). Indigenous child health: Are we making progress? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(1), 40-47.
(Author Surname, Year)
Author Surname (Year)
(Brewster & Morris, 2015)
Brewster & Morris (2015)
(Author Surname, Year, Page/s)
(Brewster & Morris, 2015, p. 40)
Note: Provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL for online sources.
Online Journal articles with no page numbers but with an article number/eLocator
For online journal with an article number or eLocator, capitalise the word “Article” before the article number or eLocator. Put the article number in the place of the page number, after the word “Article”.
Reference list entry
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Journal in italics, volume number in italics(issue number), Article number. URL of the article
Flatekval, A. M., & Deshpande, E. (2023). Clinical case study: Celiac disease. MedSurg Nursing, 32(4), Article a765013761.
Eades, S. J., & Banks, E. (2017). 50 years since citizenship: Successes and challenges in Indigenous health. Public Health Research & Practice, 27(4), Article e2741730.
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year)
Author Surname (Year)
(Flatekval & Deshpande, 2023)
Flatekval & Deshpande (2023)
Magazine Article in Print
Reference list entry
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month). Title of article. Magazine Title in italics, Volume number in italics(Issue), Page/s.
Cox, K. (2019, Autumn). Conservation time capsules. Wildlife Australia, 56(1), 24–26.
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year) Or (Author Surname, Year, Page/s)
(Cox, 2019) Or (Cox, 2019, p. 25).
Magazine Article Online
Reference list entry
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month). Title of article. Magazine Title in italics, Volume number in italics(Issue), Page/s. URL
Cox, K. (2019, Autumn). Conservation time capsules. Wildlife Australia, 56(1), 24–26.,ip,url,cpid&custid=s1241971&db=anh&AN=135416119&site=ehost-live
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year)
(Author Surname, Year, Page/s)
(Cox, 2019)
(Cox, 2019, p. 25)
Newspaper Article with an author
Reference entry list
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper Title in italics. Page/s.
Tillett, A. (2018, May 9). Australians encouraged to age at home. The Australian Financial Review, p. 5-7.
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year, Page/s)
(Tillett, 2018, p. 5)
Newspaper Article with no author
Reference list entry
Title of article. (Year, Month Day). Newspaper Title in italics. Page/s.
Economics nudging people away from war. (2017, December 16). The Age, p. 33.
In-text citation
("Title of article", Year, Page/s)
("Economics Nudging", 2018, p. 33)
Newspaper Article from a website or library database
Reference list entry
Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper Title in italics. URL
Eden, P. (2006, August 26). Climate report leaves me cold. The Daily Telegraph.
In-text citation
(Author Surname, Year)
(Eden, 2006)
Newspaper Article with an Editor(s)
Note: If there is an editor instead of an author, insert the editor’s name, followed by (Ed.) or (Eds.)
Reference list entry
Editor Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Newspaper Title in italics. URL
McCullough,D. & Curtis, K. (Eds.) (2019, November 11). Climate link to bushfires riles deputy PM. The Australian.
In-text citation
(Editor Surname, Year)
Editor Surname (Year)
(McCullough & Curtis, 2019)
McCullough & Curtis (2019)
Note: The name of the newspaper has capitals and is italicised ie. The Australian Financial Review as per the first example. In-text - shorten long article titles, use all capitals for each word and enclose in double quotation marks as per the second example.