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eBooks & Reports
Autism Spectrum Disorders (2018)
The book's emphasis on types of assessment that will be exceedingly useful to health care providers navigating the new diagnostic criteria introduced in DSM-5.
National Autism Strategy 2025-2031
This Strategy emphasises the important role that each and every one of us has to play
to bring about positive and lasting change, through contributing to inclusive workplaces
and societies, building robust services and supports and increasing our understanding
and appreciation of autism and Autistic people.
Junior Fiction
Jake Learns the Tooth (2012)
Follow the journey of a young boy called Jake, who has autism, as he experiences something that all children do - losing a tooth for the very first time.
Let's Learn about Autism (2017)
This is about Byron, Jackson and Jonny, who have autism. This book will help people understand autism, so everybody can play and learn together.
My Autism Book (2014)
My Autism Book is a beautifully illustrated picture book that helps parents to explain an autism diagnosis to their child in a sensitive, positive and accurate way.
The Green-Eyed Goblin (2017)
This fun, illustrated storybook will help children aged 5-13 to understand and cope with jealousy and how it can sometimes make us feel not good enough.
Online Videos
Effective Inclusion
“Diamond Ranking” tests children's thinking and learning skills by having them discuss and prioritize a series of statements. It's useful in extending all children's thinking, especially those who have greater difficulty.
Reaching Ricky
Ricky is eleven and has severe autism. Phoebe Caldwell has been working with adults and children with learning difficulties for over thirty years. She uses a communication method called Intensive Interaction to get through to people like Ricky.
Teaching Challenge 1 : Comedy Dave
'Comedy Dave' (Dave Vitty) is the award-winning chief writer and contributor to the Chris Moyles breakfast show on BBC Radio 1. His challenge is to work as a teaching assistant with staff bringing eighty pupils, include those with special needs, for an adventure holiday.
Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss.
Books in the Library
Autism and Learning Differences (2016)
Teaching essential skills for life, school, work, and independent living, this comprehensive and practical toolkit supports educators and clinicians in their work with adolescents and young adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Learning Difference (LD) diagnosis.
The Zones of Regulation (2011)
The "Zones" concept and learning activities help children and adults manage their emotions and sensory needs while also addressing executive functioning skills and "Social Thinking" concepts.
Thinking in Pictures (2006)
A gifted and successful animal scientist, the author, who is autistic, tells us what it was like to grow up perceiving the world in an entirely concrete and visual way.
Autism (Health Direct)
From Health Direct - We are a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice
Autism (Raising Children)
Subjects covered are: Learning about autism, Behaviour, Communicating & relationships, development, health & wellbeing, NDIS, School, play & work, Therapies & services, Parent guide: therapies, Children & autism: videos, Teenagers & autism: videos.
Autism Association of Western Australia
A specialist organisation in Australia providing services to people with Autism. The programs they develop are best-practice and based on leading international peer-reviewed research in the field of Autism.
Developing the National Autism Strategy
The draft Strategy includes a vision, guiding principles, outcome areas and commitments. These are the main areas we want your feedback on.
Resources Amaze
Amaze has a range of evidence-based resources for autistic people, family members, professionals and educators.