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Dream, Design, Develop (2019)
Through case studies, photographs, research and personal stories in this inspiring book, educators will be supported to dream, design and develop an outdoor environment that is responsive to needs and inspires a sense of wonder.
The Big Book of Glues, Brews, and Goos (2015)
Here's a book to help students create cross-disciplinary projects by using materials they make themselves with more recipes, additional relevant content, and expanded connections between activities and curriculum.
Online Journals / Articles / Websites
Online Videos
Babies Outdoors: Play, Development, and Learning
The program examines development of vision, hearing, and touch, as well as motor development as the babies learn to reach, grasp, sit, crawl, and in some cases walk.
Learning Through Play, A Documentary -- 3 to 4 Year Old
Observation, assessment and planning – are skills which can be honed and perfected with practice.
Play and Learning at School: 5 Year Olds
This program illustrates purposeful play in abundance and looks at the individual children and what really motivates them to learn.
Books in the Library
AED1240 : drama arts in early childhood education (2017)
Custom edition published for Edith Cowan University, compiled from: Children, Meaning-Making and the Arts, 2nd edition, Susan Wright, MMADD About the Arts: An Introduction to Primary Arts Education, 4th edition, Deirdre Russell-Bowie, Pretending to Learn: Helping Children Learn Through Drama, John O'Toole and Julie Dunn, Creating Environments for Learning: Birth to Age Eight, 3rd edition, Julie Bullard and Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts, 5th edition, Claudia E Cornett.
Learning Through Play (2018)
Learning through Play introduces students to the theory of play in the early years while seamlessly integrating curriculum, current trends and Australian government policy.
Loose Parts (2015)
Use loose parts to spark children's creativity and innovation. Alluring and captivating, they capture children's curiosity, give free reign to their imagination, and motivate learning.
Play in Early Childhood Education (2016)
The second edition clearly demonstrates links to current Australian government education policy and frameworks, including the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standards.
Play in the Early Years (2021)
The third edition of Play in the Early Years is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of play for children from birth to 8 years old.