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About Children's Rights
Children as well as adults have human rights. Children also have the right to special protection because of their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
The main international human rights treaty on children’s rights is the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The CRC is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world. Australia ratified the CRC in December 1990, which means that Australia has a duty to ensure that all children in Australia enjoy the rights set out in the treaty.
Australian Children Education & Care Quality Authority
The NQF establishes higher standards for all education and care services in Australia so children to age 13 years get the best possible start in life. The program sets levels of safety and quality to benefit all children and their families who use approved education and care services.
Early Childhood Australia - Code of Ethics
A code of ethics is a set of statements about appropriate and expected behaviour of members of a professional group and, as such, reflects its values.
Education and Care Regulatory Unit
The Department of Communities approves and monitors education and care services through the Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU).
Guide to the National Quality Framework
The Guide to the National Quality Framework (NQF) is designed to help education and care providers, educators and authorised officers understand and apply the requirements of the NQF.
Understanding MTOP (My Time, Our Place)
The My Time Our Place Framework provides broad direction for school age care educators in settings to facilitate children’s play, leisure and learning. It guides educators in their program decision-making and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating quality in school age care settings.
UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child
In 1989, world leaders made a historic commitment to the world’s children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – an international agreement on childhood.
It’s become the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history and has helped transform children’s lives around the world.
Camp Australia
At Camp Australia, children are at the heart of everything we do. We employ the best educators to deliver enriching experiences to children before school, after school and in their holidays. This is our way of supporting families in achieving their dreams.
Care for Kids
Supervised care and recreation for school-aged children after school, usually from 3-6pm.
The National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) is a network of all Australian State and Territory Out of School Hours Services (OSHC) Associations. These organisations promote provision of Out of School Hours Services and act as a united voice to advocate both to Government and the community for excellence in service provision.
Orana - Out of School Hours Care
The Out of School Hours Care Centre offers before and after school care as well as all-day care during vacations and pupil-free days.
Useful links on industry requirements for outside of school care.
Wanslea Family Services
Our Outside School Hours Care is built on the Early Years Learning Framework by following the National My Time, Our Place Framework. These guidelines ensure high quality care and education. We believe in giving children responsibility and choices to assist them in learning skills for their adult lives.
Online Videos
Child Protection
This week, the team debate the procedures involved after a teaching assistant is accused of an inappropriate advance towards a pupil.
Looked After Children
Mike Baker puts an imaginary case study to a panel of eight practitioners to explore the ethical dilemmas surrounding the education of looked after children.
Online Journals / Articles