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Trauma Informed Practice Books and eBooks
Allergy Possible! (2022)
A picture book that spreads awareness about what it's like to be a child living with life-threatening anaphylaxis and the story is very relatable for children who have life-threatening allergies.
Creating Trauma-Informed, Strengths-Based Classrooms (2021)
This book equips teachers to support all students, particularly the most vulnerable, and will help them to build their resilience, increase their motivation and engagement, and fulfil their full learning potential within the classroom.
Child Protection eBooks
Child Protection (2018)
This book asks, What is child abuse? What are its causes? and When should children at risk be removed?
Trauma and Trauma Informed Practice Websites
Helping Children & Teens After a Trauma
Helpful resources (fact sheets & booklets) explaining the effects of trauma, and how to find help - available as PDF.
A mother’s journey to healing her family
ABC article about a women and her three children leaving her abusive partner. Some of that violence and trauma came with them — manifesting as violent meltdowns in her seven-year-old son.
Pheonix Australia
"Explore our latest resources, guidelines, supports and services designed to help you understand, prevent and recover from the impacts of trauma, and to support trauma-impacted loved ones or communities."
Trauma Aware and Responsive Education
Includes resources on supporting your work with children and young people. Information about Making SPACE For Learning
Trauma Informed Practice in Action
Trauma informed articles --- Teacher is published by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), a not-for-profit organisation, independent of government and education systems.
Trauma Informed Practice in Schools (NSW)
Includes resources on supporting your work with children and young people. Information about Making SPACE For Learning
Trauma Responsive Practice
Training for educators to support children affected by trauma. This trauma informed training is designed to build understanding, strengthen existing practices, and create networks in early childhood education and care to enhance the learning, development, and wellbeing of all children.
Child Protection Websites
Australian Childhood Foundation - Safeguarding Children Services
"Keeping children and young people safe from abuse and exploitation in organisations"
Child Protection Privacy and Information Sharing.
"As a school staff member you are permitted to share certain information about a child who has been impacted by abuse. This page provides guidance on the specific information sharing requirements."
Department of Communities - Child Protection
"The Department of Communities protects and cares for Western Australian children and young people who are in need, and supports families and individuals who are at risk or in crisis."
"eSafeKids is a social enterprise founded by Kayelene Kerr. Kayelene is recognised as one of Australia’s most experienced specialist providers of Protective Behaviours, Body Safety, Cyber Safety, Digital Wellness and Pornography education workshops."
Identify Child Abuse
"As a school staff member, it is critical to be able to recognise the physical or behavioural signs of child abuse."
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
"This resource sheet provides information on mandatory reporting laws, which require specified people to report designated types of suspected child maltreatment to specified state or territory authorities."
Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse in WA
"It is a legal requirement in WA for doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers (including TAFE lecturers), police officers, boarding supervisors, ministers of religion, out-of-home care workers, assessors and departmental officers of the Department of Communities to report child sexual abuse."
NAPCAN: Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.
The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN), is "Australia’s first secular for purpose organisation to focus entirely on the prevention of child abuse and neglect before it starts."
National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse 2021-2030
"The National Strategy is the first of its kind in Australia, and provides a nationally coordinated, strategic framework for preventing and responding to child sexual abuse."
Journal Articles
SOS: A Simple Trauma Informed Strategy for Children
"A child's trauma response can be violent, with the child hitting others, harming himself, or destroying objects-but the teacher remaining calm and caring is critical to resolving the situation in the short term and building the child's social and emotional skills in the long term." -- taken from abstract.
What is Impact?
"This Resource Page is Dedicated to Helping You and Your Community to Understand: "Trauma-Responsive Communities" and "Trauma-Responsive Practices"
The Teachers' Role in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: Implications for Teacher Education
"In response to the diverse number of child sexual abuse prevention programs currently implemented in school contexts, this paper examines key considerations for selecting such initiatives and the multiplicity of understandings required to inform facilitation of contextually relevant prevention curriculum." -- taken from website.
Childhood Trauma Videos
Childhood Trauma and the Brain
From the UK Trauma Council, this video discusses how childhood trauma can effect everyday challenges for children as they grow up.
Dealing with Child Sexual Abuse and Trauma
"Child abuse is such a horrifying topic that many people find it hard to even think about. That is not a luxury for police on the frontline though, who can pay a high psychological price for trying to keep our kids safe and bring perpetrators to justice."
How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime
"Paediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain."
Parenting 101: Four Corners
Learning how to become a better parent. "You don't naturally know what to do as a mum. It doesn't come to you like that, it's learnt. You have to work at being a parent."
The Truth About: Childhood Trauma
Produced by SBS this video, busts "the myth that children who have experienced trauma will just get over it once they are older." -- taken from description.
Understanding Trauma: Phoenix Australia
"Traumatic events are common, and most people will experience at least one during their lives.
Watch this brief video to understand more about trauma and how it affects people."
Child Protection Videos
Child Protection
This week, the team debate the procedures involved after a teaching assistant is accused of an inappropriate advance towards a pupil.
Kids at Risk
In this episode if SBS program Insight, "Jenny Brockie talks with young people, families and case workers about why so many children are at risk of abuse and looks at solutions to such a huge problem"
Change the Story: What is the difference
Dr Lara Fergus discusses the effects of domestic violence of women and children and how to prevent it.
Responding to disclosures of child abuse and neglect
This webinar discusses how educators can respond to child abuse and neglect, recognise the signs of abuse and the main barriers to disclosure.
16 Days of Action Webinar
From NAPCAN (Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect) - In this webinar ‘The many faces of prevention – putting a stop to domestic and family violence before it starts’ on 9 December 2021, we heard from three projects showcasing the diversity of prevention initiatives in the domestic and family violence sector.
Counselling Children (2018)
This book is the definitive guide to the skills and techniques used when working with children experiencing emotional problems.
Childhood Disrupted (2016)
Donna Jackson Nakazawa shows why some children are more immune to stress than others, and explains why women are at particular risk.
Junior Fiction
My Underpants Rule!
My Underpants Rule! is encouraging toddlers and primary children to empower themselves without causing alarm.
Rosy and Jack
This is a picture book for anyone who needs courage to make a stand against bad things. This is a story about sexual abuse and what can be done to stop it.