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Australian Sign Language
This is first comprehensive introduction to the linguistics of Auslan, the sign language of Australia. Assuming no prior background in language study, it explores each key aspect of the structure of Auslan, providing an accessible overview of its grammar (how sentences are structured), phonology (the building blocks of signs), morphology (the structure of signs), lexicon (vocabulary), semantics (how meaning is created), and discourse (how Auslan is used in context).
Child Development
Given that every child is both unique and a competent learner from birth, it is crucial that educators encourage and support each child to thrive in every area of development at their pace and in their own individual ways.
EResources - Communication Matters
Communication matters commissions research publishes a journal and hosts documents on policy and practice on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
PrAACtical AAC
PrAACtical AAC supports a community of professionals and families who are determined to improve the communication and literacy abilities of people with significant communication difficulties
Raising Children Network - Augmented Communication
Augmentative and alternative communication systems can help autistic children develop spoken language and give them communication options.
Scope Resources
Scope has a collection of free resources available for you to download. Topics include access and inclusion, communication and health/wellbeing.
Books and DVD's in the Library
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
As AAC use continues to flourish and new technology revolutionizes the field, tomorrow's service providers need current, authoritative information on AAC for children and adults with communication disorders. This is the foundational text for SLPs, OTs, PTs, teachers, and other professionals in clinical and educational settings, this fourth edition is a definitive introduction to AAC processes, interventions, and technologies that help people best meet their daily communication needs.
Teaching Communication Skills to Students with Severe Disabilities
How can educators and therapists support effective communication for students with severe and multiple disabilities? Today's best research strategies are in the new third edition of this trusted textbook and teaching guide. Current and future education professionals will get up-to-date information and practical guidance on the entire process of supporting communication for students of all ages, from assessing their communication skills to involving peers and adults in intervention.
The Social Skills Picture Book
"Seeing is learning. Dr. Jed Baker embraces this philosophy in this a dynamic teaching tool that engages the attention and motivation of students who need a little extra help learning appropriate social skills by using pictures of children mastering skills such as communication, play, emotion, and empathy."
Online Videos
Reaching Ricky: 13:52 Minutes
Ricky is eleven and has severe autism. Phoebe Caldwell has been working with adults and children with learning difficulties for over thirty years. She uses a communication method called Intensive Interaction to get through to people like Ricky.