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eBooks & eVideos
Eating Disorders (2018)
This encyclopedia offers a variety of resources for readers interested in learning more about eating disorders.
Food safety (2016)
The book explains symptoms, causes and labelling information in relation to food allergies, additives and intolerances.
That sugar film
This is one man’s journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as ‘healthy’.
Websites - Promote healthy eating
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
The Australian guide to healthy eating is a food selection guide which visually represents the proportion of the five food groups recommended for consumption each day.
Participating in a daily Crunch&Sip break provides an opportunity for children to drink water and eat an extra serve of vegetables or fruit to support good health and to help with learning and concentration in the classroom.
Food Bank - Nom!
Great dishes can be made by anyone – not just Michelin Star chefs. Bringing nutrition education and cooking programs to Western Australia – it’s something we’ve been doing for a little while now.
Food for Health Alliance
Food for Health Alliance is a leading policy and advocacy voice working to improve diets and prevent overweight and obesity in Australia. We advocate to governments across Australia for changes to laws and policies to improve our food environment – the way our food is made, labelled, sold and advertised.
Get up and grow - Director/coordinator handbook
This Get Up & Grow booklet provides advice on early childhood healthy eating and physical activity, how to develop nutrition and physical activity policies and ways to support and encourage staff, carers and families.
Get up and grow - Staff and carer handbook
This Get Up & Grow booklet is for child health and early childhood professionals. It provides advice about child nutrition and physical activity.
Get up and grow booklet - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander handbook
This Get Up & Grow booklet is for people who care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It provides advice on childhood nutrition and physical activity.
Healthy eating for children
Health Direct. Healthy eating is essential for your child's good health, growth and development.
Healthy Eating Advisory Service
Eating habits are instilled from a young age, so by providing nutritious foods and drinks, you can help children establish positive eating behaviours early.
National Lunch Box Week - Nutrition Australia
Lunchbox inspiration for parents, carers and schools
Nutrition Australia
Inspiring healthy eating
Phenomenom! - ABC Education
This collection contains curriculum-aligned episodes, lesson plans and activities, in the name of discovering things that food can do.
WASPHA - Food and Nutrition
Lots of useful resources to promote health eating.
Websites - Allergies
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation. Our purpose is to listen, guide and educate Australians living with allergic disease.
Allergy Aware
The Allergy Aware website aims to provide people with information and practical resources to manage severe allergies in the school and children’s education and care settings.
Food allergens
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia
Food allergies in schools
Western Australia. Department of Education.
Food allergy
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia
Food allergy (2013)
This book will help you understand what a food allergy is and how it affects people.
Food safety (2016)
This book is a comprehensive guide featuring food safety tips on handling, hygiene and contamination.
Kids food health 3 (2001)
In this book the authors aim to guide parents in establishing healthy eating habits that their children will carry into adulthood
Junior Fiction
Allergy Possible!
This picture book spreads awareness about what it's like to be a child living with life-threatening anaphylaxis and the story is very relatable for children who have life-threatening allergies.
My healthy tummy
Children's picture book which encourages early food and nutrition literacy skills.
Pete the peanut
Each of us is at different stages and plays various roles along the allergy journey, a journey nobody processes in precisely the same way.
When we are hungry
Children's picture book which encourages early food and nutrition literacy skills.