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Moneysmart for Teachers
"Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, Moneysmart's lesson plans are engaging activities that bring everyday financial topics into the classroom."
Mathematics - Dyslexia SPELD Foundation
"Similar to the principles of high-quality literacy instruction, the initial teaching of numeracy should be carefully sequenced, highly structured, and explicit."
First Steps Mathematics
"A series of teacher resource books that is organised around sets of mathematics outcomes for number, measurement, space, chance and data."
Khan Academy: A personalised learning resource or all ages.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
Learning Resources by Year Level -- Mathematics
A collection of resources from the department of education, especially designed for remote and virtual learning.
Numeracy Fundamentals
Compiled by Curtin University, this module covers key fundamentals of mathematics that may be required as part of study or life.
The trusted home of teacher-created planning and assessment materials and teaching resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum! Perfect for inside and outside the classroom.
Western Australian Curriculum - Mathematics
Learning mathematics creates opportunities for and enriches the lives of all Australians.
Clickview - Primary Maths Resources
Free education resources for primary school maths, including videos and lesson plans.
Technology in the Classroom
Assistive Technology
From Reading Rockets - Find information and resources about assistive technology that can help kids with language-based learning disabilities become stronger readers and writers
Assistive Technology Resources
There are a number of resources freely available to assist with selecting appropriate assistive technology and utilising assistive technology effectively.
Bring the World
"This video gives educators strategies on how to use technology to connect classrooms across schools, districts and borders."
Dictation and Screen Readers
By allowing the use of assistive technology, we can reduce some of the difficulties that students may face when being asked to read and process large amounts of text and when asked to complete written tasks and assessments.
Learning with Interactive Whiteboards
Used increasingly in schools around the world, interactive whiteboards give teachers extraordinary new ways to reach students. This program introduces the interactive whiteboard, explains how it works, and demonstrates specific ways it can be used in the classroom. Viewers will learn about typical board interfaces such as pen or touch-screen, what other tools and technologies can be used in conjunction with whiteboards, and what types of practical whiteboard applications teachers might prefer depending on lower-grade or high school settings. The interactive whiteboard’s ability to reduce a teacher’s workload is also discussed.
Non-Educational Tech
This video gives educators strategies on how to adapt and use non-educational technology in their classroom.
Using Microsoft Learning Tools
Learning tools are designed to support decoding, reading fluency, reading comprehension and writing skills by providing the user with additional user options.
Western Australian Curriculum - Technologies
Technologies can play an important role in transforming, restoring and sustaining societies and natural, managed and constructed environments.
Online Videos
Clickview - Primary Maths Resources
Free education resources for primary school maths, including videos and lesson plans.
Learning Maths with Kyane
"Kyane is a small boy in year 4. He has an Individual Behaviour Plan and an Individual Educational Plan."
Numeracy and Literacy
"Find out how one primary teacher in Kent is using free 'Interactive Teaching Programmes' from the National Strategy in her work on pentagons and diagonals."
Primary Maths 1
A video showing different examples of maths games aimed at primary school aged students.
Primary Maths 2
A video showing different examples of maths games aimed at primary school aged students.
Snappy Games and Activities
"See four examples of fun and easy-to-use primary classroom games and activities to use in lesson planning, aimed at keeping a group of mixed ability pupils on task and engaged in their learning."
Primary Maths Handbook (2013)
The Primary Maths Handbook is the essential reference resource for students, teachers and parents. It has mathematical concepts explained in detail, with clear diagrams and illustrations to aid understanding.
Supermarket Maths (2008)
This book provides intensive practice in applying the concepts of basic mathematics for primary and selected secondary students.
Junior Books
In this simple introduction to numbers, counting from 1 to 10 is made easy with a little help from everyone's favourite park keeper and his animal friends.
One Woolly Wombat
This fresh, exuberant counting book features koalas, kookaburras, cockatoos, dingoes and a host of other well-known Australian birds and animals.
The Waterhole
This book is an ingenious infusion of counting book, puzzle book, story book and art book, with typically detailed illustrations. Ages 3 and over.